Podsumowanie wyjazdu do Rumunii

         Po powrocie z Rumunii nastał czas podsumować pierwszy wyjazd projektowy. Nadmiar wrażeń zmusił nas, by zaraz w poniedziałek spotkać się, by opowiedzieć sobie o tym, co wydarzyło się w minionym tygodniu. A było co opowiadać! Na spotkaniu pojawili się uczniowie, rodzice oraz nauczyciele. Każdy opowiadał o swoich obawach przed podróżą. Później przyszedł czas na prezentowanie tego, co się działo w samej Rumunii. Młodzież pochwaliła się prezentami, pokazała też zdjęcia z "podróży życia" - jak to niektórzy nazywali. Matematyka gdzieś zeszła na bok. Wszyscy zapomnieli o królowej. Ale jak tu o niej pamiętać, skoro tyle wspaniałych i niezwykłych rzeczy działo się wokół nas.

          Bardziej ciekawych czytelników odsyłam do relacji z podróży w wersji angielskiej. Są one zamieszczone w dalszej części artykułu.

Relacja Natalii Kędzierskiej


Dear Sister


I am writing to you because I have missed you.


I came from Romania. It was fantastic. During the week I met wonderful people. On the first day we visited the  school and watched student presentations .On Tuesday we went to a salt mine in Salina Turda. When we had some free time, we went to the pub "Downtown". The third day we had  for ourselves only : shopping and staff like that. Fourth day we started to learn dancing Flash Mob. Then we went to the museum. So the fourth day ended.The penultimate day was sunny .At 5 o'clock, we danced Flash Mob on the market square.We ended the day with a party in DownTown.When I was packing, I wrote a farewell letter to Pawel's family.I had a good time with them and with Gosia.Pavel’ mom cooks best in the world.And his grandmother makes the best baked goods.On Saturday morning I said goodbye to Pavel and drove home.I miss them so much.It was the best journey in my life.


 I hope you read the letter quickly.See you next month







Relacja Zuzi Malinowskiej


 On 26th march 2017 at 03:00 the students and the teachers gathered near the sports hall in Strzelno. We 


packed our luggage and we drove to Toruń. From Toruń we took a train to Warsaw and next from


Warsaw we took a train to Cracow. From Cracow we went to Romania by bus. We drove 18 hours.


It was a long and tiring journey. In Romania we were about at 9:00 p.m. The students and  the teachers from


Romania were waiting for us. After a few minutes I was already at Ioany's house. I was  welcomed very warmly. After having


dinner and bathing I went to sleep.


     On Monday, after breakfast we arrived at the collection place. We were officially welcomed and next


we went to explore the Romania's parlament. Later we were divided into 3 groups. Each group


received an envelope and the task to do. At 4:00 p.m. we went for dinner. After a meal everyone went  home. 


At home Ioana taught me to play Romanian cards game. At 7:p.m. we all met at down town in a bar. 


About 10:p.m. we came back  home and we went to sleep.


     Next day on Tuesday we went to a salt mine. At about 5:00p.m. o'clock we went to the shopping mall and 


we ate lunch. I and Ioana came back home at 9:00p.m. o'clock. In home Ioana's mom gave us dinner.


When we finished eating Ioana's family prepared a cake for me because on that day it was my birthday. 


The cake was very good. Later Ioana gave me presents. I got very a beautiful T-shirt, a bracelet and cosmetics.


It was late and we went to slept .


     On Wednesday each school showed their presentations. Next, Romanian students learned us to dance. 


I didn't remember the dance steps but with time I danced better. When we learned to dance I and Ioana


went to meet with her friends. They were very nice people I think. At home Ioana made me a beautiful make-up. 


At about 7:00p.m. o'clock we all met at down town with our friends. 


    On Thursday everyone went to the museum. At 4:00p.m. o'clock I and Ioana came back home and we watched a very good film. I was lucky because the film had subtitles in Polish. Like every day at 7:00p.m., we went out with friends.


     On Friday, students from Romania presented scientific presentation. About 3:00p.m. o'clock


we met our teachers in the town center and had ice cream together. Next we went to buy souvenirs. At about 5:00p.m. students from Poland and Romania


danced in the town  centre . It was very beautiful. At 7:00p.m. we went to school because students


from Romania prepared a performance. At 9:00p.m.  we went to the down town bar. When we came


back  home I packed my suitcase. 


     Saturday was the last day in Satu Mare. At 9 o'clock Ioana's parents brought us to the hotel where the teachers were staying.


This day was very sad, many people cried, but we had to came back to Poland. In Poland we were


at 5 am on Saturday.


     It was the best trip in my live. I visited a new country, new culture and what is the most important: new friends.



Relacja Weroniki Banasik


            March 26th at 15:00 with our colleagues and teachers we gathered in front of the sports hall. When all the suitcases were on the bus and we said goodbye to our families, we went to Torun. We travelled to Warsaw by train at 5:00. In the capital we had a train to Cracow, and there we had a bus to Satu Mare. The journey was very long, lasting about 18 hours, but all the time we had good humor. At Satu Mare we were at 21:00. I lived with Ioana, she was nice and hospitable.




            The next day I got up early enough, ate breakfast, and Ioana's parents took us to the gathering place. After getting acquainted with all we went to the city hall. We visited the whole building and we heard a short talk from Vice-President of Satu Mare. Then each group received the work cards, we had to count on various items such as windows and leaves. When everything was ready, we decided to have pizza. Together with our colleagues from Romania and Bulgaria, we met about 19:00 in what they called "DownTown". It was really nice, and we came back home at 23:00.




            The third day after breakfast we went to school where teachers were waiting for us. This day was quite interesting because we were in a salt mine. The journey lasted about 5 hours. We arrived at the place where our guide was waiting for us and she told us the history of this mine. Later we had free time, we could buy various souvenirs and visit the mine. After several hours we had to go back to Satu Mare. We were at around 21:00. I went home, had a shower and went to bed exhausted  after all day.




            On Wednesday I got up at 7am, ate breakfast, and went to school with Ioana. That day we watched the presentation. After a short break we went to the playground where we learned song lyrics and dance. about 16:00 we went home and went to meet our friends. Again at 19:00 we were at DownTown.




            On Thursday after breakfast we went to school and went to the museum, which was located outdoor. We could see how they used to live and learn about their culture. At home we were about 16:00 and again at 19:00 we went to our meeting place.




            Friday - this day was the last day we spent together. When we got to school, we saw mathematical presentations and then we started dancing. During our free time we went shopping, bought souvenirs and lots of sweets. Around 16:00 we met everyone in the city center where we filmed and danced the Flash Mob. At 18:00 we went back to school. Our Romanian colleagues showed us great shows, they danced, they sang. It was our last day, so we traditionally met again in town and returned home at 23:00.




            Saturday - goodbye. At 9:00 we were ready to leave. Most of us cried. It was a really great week. In Poland we were the next morning, exactly 5:36.




            It was the best trip of my life. I visited a new country and its culture and met new people who were really great.